Scale formation is a severe problem this days faced
by most of the chemical industries. Due to this a majority of problem occurs.
The worst effects of scale formation
ranges from cooling tower plants, boilers etc. All these adverse effects of
scale formation can be handled very efficiently by antiscalants or scale
Antiscalants or Scale Inhibitors are chemical
compounds that inhibit or prevent scale formation by means of sequestering
calcium and magnesium salts, dispersing silica, chelating iron and
breaking-up clay and silt deposits.
Using these chemical compounds
benefits the users by various ways:-
Huge savings in monetary
basis all the year round.
Savings in terms of
labour,power & production.
Huge production targets
can be met by using these chemicals.
Chemtex offers a wide range of anti-scalants
under its registered trade names of ALSTACOOL, ALKRO, ALSTHERM for:-
2. RO Membrane Antiscalant
3. RO Membrane High Silica Water Antiscalant or Silica Antifoulant
4. Boiler AntiscalSant Sludge Conditioner.
Contact Us
Chemtex Speciality Limited
Regd. Office :33 Brabourne Road, Kolkata 700 001,West Bengal, India
Phone : +(91)-(33)-7111-1111 / 7111-1112 Fax : +(91)-(33)-7111-1117
Mobile : +(91)-896-111-1111
Phone : +(91)-(33)-7111-1111 / 7111-1112 Fax : +(91)-(33)-7111-1117
Mobile : +(91)-896-111-1111