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Showing posts with the label RO Antiscalant

RO Antiscalant

Reverse Osmosis serves as one of the most critical processes that are involved in the process water treatment to clean water, utilized in various industrial process applications. Reverse Osmosis can be regarded as the process wherein semi-permeable membranes help in separating purified water from contaminated water. It occurs when a pressure is applied to the concentrated side of the membrane resulting in forcing purified water to the dilute side. Reverse Osmosis is very efficient for the treatment of brackish, surface and ground water for both large and small flow applications. Some examples of industries that use RO water include boiler feed water, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, metal finishing and semiconductor manufacturing to mention a few. The overall performance of a reverse osmosis system relies on various factors like feed water quality, membrane type, flow control, temperature and pressure. Systems must be well maintained for ensuring effective performance with any ...