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Showing posts with the label Wastewater

Waste Water Sanitation – Chemtex Speciality Limited

Improving Water, Safe Guarding Life Issues related to wastewater management has been surfacing over digital and print media, social sites irrespective of facts that all of us have knowledge on what and why. The only question is when to step up? With about 80% of diseases humans need to deal with are water-borne. Hospitals and healthcare units deal with more than 80 percent water borne disease cases. Such level of extremism forces people to buy clean water with higher prices. All these water bodies need to be free of regular contaminants, making them suitable for further utilization, especially drinking. Pathogens, organic and inorganic matter, suspended solids, dissolved gases, paint emulsions, toxic chemicals like pesticides, bio-solids, and many more unwanted substances interfere with the quality and need treatment to make it reusable. With over 130 Crore population, and three fifth of water volume deemed toxic with zero usability, India is on the edge of facing the worst...

Wastewater Treatment - Domestic, Commercial & Industrial

Mandatory treatment of wastewater is the need of the hour to get rid of harmful pollutants excreted by domestic, commercial, agricultural or industrial applications. Wastewater Treatment rendering otherwise unsuitable water for domestic, industrial or commercial utilizations. The sources which can be anything from mildly polluted storm water run-off to toxic wastewater from chemical, pharmaceutical, and industries. Pathogens, organic and inorganic matter, suspended particulate matter, dissolved gases, paint emulsions, toxic chemicals like pesticides, bio-solids, and many more unwanted substances interfere with the quality and need treatment to make it reusable. Domestic wastewater contains large suspended wastes like rags, single-use plastics, smaller colloids like papers, peels and other minute pollutants resulting from human wastes, laundry wash offs, kitchen applications. Commercial wastewater constitutes pollutants from commercial properties like offices, hospitals,...