Effluent Treatment or
Industrial wastewater treatment consists of mechanisms and processes which are
used to treat water that have been contaminated by anthropogenic, industrial or
commercial activities prior to its release into the environment. Industrial
wastewater serves as one of the important pollution sources that add up in
polluting the water environment. The sewage sludge produced is subjected to
sludge treatment. Many problems are associated with wastewater collection and
treatment such as foaming, solid accumulation, high BOD, sludge de-watering,
heavy metals and offensive odour. But
such treatments are no more complicated processes, since there are chemicals
that are applicable for the treatment. These chemicals follow various treatment
mechanisms in various different standards, which include from chemically
treating raw wastewater before discharging it into the environment, to
recovering valuable resources from sludge treatment and wastewater.
Conventional treatment
consists of a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes for
removal of suspended solids, organic & inorganic contaminants, germs and
microbes from wastewater. When using total wastewater treatment solutions, these
chemicals remove and eliminate harmful pathogens, expel hazardous chemicals,
detergents and toxins, reduce odour and improve water colour, and separate and
extract valuable substances and clean water from the wastewater.
Polyelectrolytes are regarded as polymer chains with an electrolyte
group on every repeat unit. When dissolved in a polar solvent, these polymers
are charged due to dissociation of small counter ions that leave behind a
charged micro ion. These are formulated in a way so as to be used as coagulants
and flocculants as well as a sludge dewatering agent in the waste water
treatment plants. Flocculants are chemicals responsible for bringing about
secondary settling and sludge dewatering. They carry active groups with a
charge which helps in counterbalancing the charge of the particles. Coagulants are referred to
as chemicals that are used to help in the removal of colour and turbidity
present in untreated, raw water and are used for their attributes like quick
flocculation, precise pH value, etc.
Based on electrolyte group
present in the chain, polyelectrolytes are categorized into anionic, cationic
and non – ionic species. Cationic polyelectrolytes have positively charged group
for use in coagulation of negatively charged flocs through electrostatic
interactions. They are useful in various process of effluent r wastewater
treatment, depending upon their molecular weight and charge density. Anionic
polyelectrolytes have negatively charged group on each repeating unit, acrylamide-based
polymers being the most available type. They are widely useful as flocculants,
rheology modifiers, and adhesives and immensely used in municipal wastewater
and effluent treatment. Anionic flocculants are also used in enhanced oil
recovery, decolouring, paper making, mineral processing, etc. Non – Ionic Polyelectrolytes
are organic high molecular weight polymers, used in flocculating colloidal
suspensions, water clarification, sludge dewatering, etc.
In general, aqueous
solutions having pH value more than 4 have negative charged suspended particles
whereas having pH less than 4 contains positively charged suspensions. This
might help in analysing the type of polyelectrolyte to be used in the
Chemtex Speciality Limited
is an esteemed manufacturer and supplier of liquid and powder polyelectrolytes.
For more information on our range of products, visit https://www.chemtexltd.com/products-and-solutions/water-treatment-chemicals/wastewater-treatment/