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Cause schools deserve a safe barrier too!


With months out of school, of online teaching sessions, bound by the walls of their own rooms, it’s now time to get back to schools. But how safe is too safe?

With most adult centered vaccination programs, children’s safety becomes crucial at this point of time. With things now getting back to normal and schools opening up, we must work towards creating a safe, and protective environment with flexibility for children.

Physical interaction is more common amongst children cautioning the risk of cross transmission of communicable diseases. Hence, the need of the hour is to ensure proper and vigilant safety protocols in school areas so as to keep children out of infection reach, with proper planning and execution.

There is no alternative to masks and personal safety. First and foremost, is to wearing of proper masks covering nose and mouth. To maintain social distancing with peers and avoid mass gathering.

Clean hands by washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Usage of hand sanitizer as a routine since soap and water is not always readily available.

Regular disinfection of common touchpoints such as chairs, desks, benches, writing boards, lockers, door handles, railings, elevator buttons, washroom taps, table tops, etc.

It becomes quite tiring and significantly impassable to sanitize our hands after each touch. Regardless of whether we clean our hands after each and every touch, sanitization is restricted to just our next hand contact, which may not be at a gap of even a minute.

Cleaning does not eliminate pathogens, but daily disinfection is both tiring and laboursome. Also, Regular disinfectants are a blend of quaternary compounds, and the evaporative nature ones are acetone based, which do not protect viruses.


Introducing Chemtex BioBubble: Revolutionary Silane Antimicrobial based Technology

BioBubble Home Kit makes your life as normal as ever. This home kit contains four unique products that ensure long-lasting safety from any communicable diseases. These antimicrobial products do not work chemically, but mechanically, providing a long-lasting protection for hands, hard surfaces like floors, gadgets, and fabric, upholstery, etc

BioBubble HandCoat: 24 Hours Hand Sanitizer with single use

Chemtex Biobubble HandCoat contains anti-microbial nature which 100 times more effective than regular sanitizer. Our product ensures a long-lasting anti-virus coating on hands for straight 24 hours with a single usage. This coating remains even after washing the hands with water or applying alcohol based Handrub.

BioBubble ElectroCoat: 15 Days Gadgets and common touch points protection

Biobubble ElectroCoat guarantees non-stop protection against germs for 15 days in a single use. It protects immediate objects such as phones, laptops, keys, water bottles, bags, and 100 other objects.

BioBubble FabriCoat: Lasts Upto 20 Washes

With schools reopening, the anxiety of staying out is at peak. A large chunk of it can be eliminated by making the clothing virus-free like fabric masks, school uniforms, and other daily wear outfits. A dip in FabriCoat creates an anti-microbial layer that not only protects your clothes for upto 20 regular washes but also leaves them soft and fragrant!

Chemtex BioBubble Home Kit, an assorted range of silane antimicrobial coating products that protect your surroundings, clothes, and personnel from surface contact transmission of pathogens that protect your surroundings, clothes, and closed ones from surface contact transmission of unwanted germs, bacteria, and viruses. Each kit contains 1xHandCoat, 1xElectroCoat, 1xFabriCoat, 1xFloorCoat.

Get yours at

School authorities to ensure safe and sanitized environment for students. Children are getting back to school, learning from their teachers in classrooms and hopefully having fun with their friends.

Clean indoor surfaces and objects routinely with soap (or detergent) and water. Identify hotspots to disinfecting surfaces that people routinely touch or share.

  • Clean high touch surfaces and objects (such as door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) within the school and on school transport vehicles (such as, buses) at least once a day or as often as needed (for example, when visibly dirty).
  • Limit sharing of high touch objects that are difficult to regularly clean (such as, electronic devices, pens, pencils, books, games, art supplies, lab equipment).
    • If certain conditions apply (such as, low mask usage or high community transmission), do not use difficult-to-clean shared objects for 72 hours.
  • Items needed to be reused within 24 hours should be disinfected.
  • Staff should wash hands after removing gloves or after handling used items or other objects near students who are unmasked.
  • Regularly (at least once a day or as often as needed) clean surfaces using soap or detergent.
  • If choosing to disinfect, ensure safe and correct use and storage of cleaning products, including storing products securely away from children.


Adopt our Chemtex BioBubble 90 days service over regular disinfection.

Regular disinfection with conventional disinfectants prevents microbial contamination up to few hours. The infection load increases with time, leaving behind insignificant residues.

Chemtex BioBubble treatment ensures prolonged sanitization for up to 90 days by forming a mono-molecular cationic preventive layer over high touch surfaces such as chairs, desks, benches, writing boards, lockers, door handles, railings, elevator buttons, washroom taps, table tops, etc., which eliminate pathogens through cellular electrocution for up to 90 days.

Chemtex BioBubble is 100 times more effective than regular sanitization services intended to assist school administration and janitorial services for a safe and effective disinfection program to protect health and wellness of children, teachers and staff.


·         Long lasting coating

·         Saves time and cost

·         Preventive approach: Safe and long-term antimicrobial function

·         Transparent mono-molecular coating

·         Free from SVHC, such as fluorine, PBT & vPvB-substances

·         Cost effective, less laborious

·         Non-Toxic, Organic and Completely Biodegradable

·         Ensures 99.99% germ protection

·         Non-corrosive: Compatible with most metal surfaces

·         Prevents mal-odour and bio-film formation

·         Continue routine cleaning protocols

·         Non leaching, not reactionary technology


Book Your Service Today!


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