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Sulfamic Acid is a Cleaning Agent Used in Various Industries

  In the world of chemicals, there exist substances with a wide range of practical applications, and Sulfamic acid stands as a prime exemplar of versatility. It exhibits diverse properties, rendering it invaluable across various industries and applications. Let’s explore the properties, applications, and benefits of sulfamic acid in different industries and drop light on its remarkable versatility. What is Sulfamic Acid? Sulfamic acid, also known as amino sulfonic acid (H3NSO3), is a white crystalline, stable, and non-hygroscopic solid. This compound has gained popularity for its remarkable properties as a scale remover, descaler chemical, and rust removal agent for industrial applications.   It works well on water systems to prevent the formation of scale, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of equipment. It works by reacting with and dissolving mineral deposits like scale and rust on surfaces. The high acidity properties break down these deposits into soluble compoun...

The Role and Importance of Demulsifiers in Oil and Gas Industry

  Demulsifier helps to extract oil and purify water, which is especially important in crude oil production and wastewater treatment.   It is a substance that separates an emulsion into components and destabilizes water-in-oil emulsions. In Crude production, Water-in-oil emulsions are typically produced, owing to the presence of emulsifying agents such as surfactants, slits, fine solids, drilling mud, clay, water, and other impurities. These impurities are undesirable need to be removed which would otherwise shackle the quality of the crude.   How does It work? Demulsifier consists of two liquids that are not mixed with each other and tiny droplets of one liquid are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the other. This kind of liquid is called dispersion medium, and the droplets are called dispersed phase. During the demulsification process, a demulsifier accumulates on the surface of the droplets and groups them together.   The process of separating a...

The Role of EDTA and How They Are Sustainable in the Chemical Industry

  In the ever-evolving landscape of the chemical industry, Sustainability is the prime concern. Industries worldwide strive to minimize the impact on the environment. EDTA represents a significant step forward in greener chemistry. Unlike traditional chemicals, which pose some environmental impact due to their slow biodegradation, EDTA has been designed with a focus on minimizing its impact on the environment. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a versatile, sustainable chemical solution as industries worldwide strive to minimize the impact on the environment. The chelating agent EDTA is a compound of massive use worldwide with household and industrial applications, with the ability to sequester various polyvalent cations, used to minimize metal contaminants and facilitate enzymatic reactions that could be inhibited by heavy metal traces. This plays a vital role in diverse industries for its remarkable chelating properties, delivering upgraded processes and product qualit...

The Use & Benefits of Ro Antiscalant in RO Plant

  Water is one of the important resources, and ensuring its purity and availability is crucial for both industrial and domestic use. Reverse Osmosis Technology plays a vital role in the removal of impurities such as salts, minerals, and other contaminants from water for various applications, including drinking water, industrial processes, and boiler water treatment. The RO membrane is the heart of the RO System designed with a dense, thin, and semi-permeable layer that allows water molecules to pass through while rejecting dissolved solids and other contaminants. The RO Membrane operates under high pressure and requires continuous cleaning and maintenance to prevent fouling and scaling. What Causes the formation of scales in RO membranes? The level of hardness salts present in the feed water is the foremost reason. When such feed water passes through the RO Membrane, the concentration of these salts gets precipitated over the surface of the membrane. Overtime deposition of su...

Effluent Treatment or Industrial wastewater treatment consists of mechanisms and processes which are used to treat water that have been contaminated by anthropogenic, industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment. Industrial wastewater serves as one of the important pollution sources that add up in polluting the water environment. The sewage sludge produced is subjected to sludge treatment. Many problems are associated with wastewater collection and treatment such as foaming, solid accumulation, high BOD, sludge de-watering, heavy metals and offensive odour. But such treatments are no more complicated processes, since there are chemicals that are applicable for the treatment. These chemicals follow various treatment mechanisms in various different standards, which include from chemically treating raw wastewater before discharging it into the environment, to recovering valuable resources from sludge treatment and wastewater. Conventional treatment consists of a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes for removal of suspended solids, organic & inorganic contaminants, germs and microbes from wastewater. When using total wastewater treatment solutions, these chemicals remove and eliminate harmful pathogens, expel hazardous chemicals, detergents and toxins, reduce odour and improve water colour, and separate and extract valuable substances and clean water from the wastewater. Polyelectrolytes are regarded as polymer chains with an electrolyte group on every repeat unit. When dissolved in a polar solvent, these polymers are charged due to dissociation of small counter ions that leave behind a charged micro ion. These are formulated in a way so as to be used as coagulants and flocculants as well as a sludge dewatering agent in the waste water treatment plants. Flocculants are chemicals responsible for bringing about secondary settling and sludge dewatering. They carry active groups with a charge which helps in counterbalancing the charge of the particles. Coagulants are referred to as chemicals that are used to help in the removal of colour and turbidity present in untreated, raw water and are used for their attributes like quick flocculation, precise pH value, etc. Based on electrolyte group present in the chain, polyelectrolytes are categorized into anionic, cationic and non – ionic species. Cationic polyelectrolytes have positively charged group for use in coagulation of negatively charged flocs through electrostatic interactions. They are useful in various process of effluent r wastewater treatment, depending upon their molecular weight and charge density. Anionic polyelectrolytes have negatively charged group on each repeating unit, acrylamide-based polymers being the most available type. They are widely useful as flocculants, rheology modifiers, and adhesives and immensely used in municipal wastewater and effluent treatment. Anionic flocculants are also used in enhanced oil recovery, decolouring, paper making, mineral processing, etc. Non – Ionic Polyelectrolytes are organic high molecular weight polymers, used in flocculating colloidal suspensions, water clarification, sludge dewatering, etc. In general, aqueous solutions having pH value more than 4 have negative charged suspended particles whereas having pH less than 4 contains positively charged suspensions. This might help in analysing the type of polyelectrolyte to be used in the treatment. Chemtex Speciality Limited is a well-known manufacturer and supplier of liquid and powder polyelectrolytes. For more information on our range of products, visit

  Effluent Treatment or Industrial wastewater treatment consists of mechanisms and processes which are used to treat water that have been contaminated by anthropogenic, industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment. Industrial wastewater serves as one of the important pollution sources that add up in polluting the water environment. The sewage sludge produced is subjected to sludge treatment. Many problems are associated with wastewater collection and treatment such as foaming, solid accumulation, high BOD, sludge de-watering, heavy metals and offensive odour.   But such treatments are no more complicated processes, since there are chemicals that are applicable for the treatment. These chemicals follow various treatment mechanisms in various different standards, which include from chemically treating raw wastewater before discharging it into the environment, to recovering valuable resources from sludge treatment and wastewater. Conventional tr...

Role & effect of PHPA Polymer on Drilling Fluids used in Modern Drilling Technology

 In modern drilling operations, the use of drilling polymers and polymer additives has revolutionized the way drilling fluids are formulated and employed. Drilling Polymers effectively flocculate drill cutting, high and low-quality clay, driving them out of the well, and inhibiting their dispersion. Its usage in drilling operations is proven the remove fluid loss, increase drilling mud viscosity, and remove colloidal from deep drilling foundations. Drilling Polymers serve multiple purposes in drilling operations, commonly used as additives in drilling fluids, or as drilling mud. The main purpose of using this is to control viscosity, also suitable for plumb shafts, horizontal wells, deep shafts, etc. The absorbency and retention capacity help to minimize waste disposal costs, treatment time, and environmental impact . Advantages of Using PHPA-Based Drilling Polymer PHPA (partially hydrolysed polyacrylamide) are indispensable polymer in various industries. These water-soluble ...

What is EDTA? What are the applications of EDTA?

  E DTA or Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is a weak acid used as a chelating agent. Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid contains an amino carboxylic group with the formula C10H16N2O8. It is a versatile chemical compound with a wide range of applications across various industries. EDTA is considered an anthropogenic compound with the ability to sequester various polyvalent cations, use to minimize metal contaminants, and facilitate enzymatic reactions that could be inhibited by heavy metal traces.   How Does EDTA Work? EDTA is a versatile compound with strong chelating properties that grabs metallic cations such as lead or calcium from the process. Its chemical structure contains four carboxylic acid groups and two amine groups, which allow it to form strong bonds with metal ions, preventing them from reacting with other substances, If the bond is weak, other chemicals can break this bond to form their own compounds. EDTA is the most widely used chelating agent for the re...

Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Manufacturer & Supplier

  Water is the driving force of all nature.   “When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.” Therefore, its finite source demands our utmost care and attention. The growing demand has led to innovative solutions in the form of water treatment chemicals. In the world of water treatment chemicals for boilers, cooling towers, closed circuit systems, wastewater, and effluents, RO Systems are collectively regarded as processes that aid in making water more acceptable and provide clear, safe water for drinking, industrial processes, and more. Water impurities such as Chloride, Sulphates, Silicate of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Barium, and impurities that get accumulated over the surfaces, leading to formation scales.   RO Chemicals, Cooling Tower Chemicals, and Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals play a crucial role in enhancing water quality and sustainability. Polyelectrolytes – Polyelectrolytes unleash the power of precipitation in water treatment. These pol...