What are fomites? Inanimate objects that form a secondary route of exposure for person-to-person transmissions. Any object that we may come in contact with can serve as fomites, doorknobs, elevator buttons, hand rails, phones, cab doors, keyboards, toys, even clothing. Respiratory droplets are propelled into the air by sneezing and coughing. The aerosol generated by coughing and sneezing contain droplets of moisture of varying sizes laden with pathogens. The largest droplets are more likely to fall to the floor. Medium sized ones are more likely to enter the nasal passages of someone nearby, causing infection. The moisture in the smallest particles tends to evaporate rapidly, resulting in the formation of so-called droplet nuclei, which are light and can remain airborne for longer periods. These can travel from room to room or through ventilation ducts; owing to their small size and weight, their movement is mostly dictated by air currents, and, if inhaled, they can flow w...
Chemtex enjoys a considerable market share in speciality chemicals section with branches catering Agriculture, Water Treatment, Cleaning & Hygiene, Housekeeping & Laundry, Engine Care, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Oil & Gas, and other Industry specific sections.