Replacing Sodium Hypochlorite with Double Chain QAC based Disinfectant Remember that pungent smell when mass disinfection of public places occurs. That same irritating smell you can relate to in swimming pools, and your eyes itch and redden, and your skin itches, and there is a big board saying “Chlorine in pool”, that’s hypochlorous acid, viz., when sodium hypochlorite breaks down. Sodium hypochlorite/ Hypo (NaOCl) is inorganic chlorine based liquid disinfectant, available as aqueous solutions of 5.25% - 6.15% (household bleach) or concentrated 12% NaOCl solutions. Large quantities are also used as a disinfectant in water and wastewater treatment and sanitary equipment. In food processing, sodium hypochlorite is used to sanitize food preparation equipment, in fruit and vegetable processing, mushroom production, hog, beef and poultry production, and fish processing. Typical Uses of Hypo: · 2%: Shock Chlorination of Wells · ...
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